We are a movement to get back to an India that was wise and wonderful
Klimom is not just any other Milk; it's your chance to re-experience purity and taste. We've not just redefined the process of milk delivery;
we've also redefined the way milk is spelt. We have reversed M-I-L-K to become KLIM!
why did the switch from the organic milk to the industrial milk happen? The answer is simple,
while the Indian breed cow produces around 8 to 10 litres of milk a day, its hybrid counterpart can produce anywhere between 15 to 20 litres
of milk and that's what has made all the difference to the people involved in this business.Many big conventional dairies inject the cows with synthetic
growth hormones in an attempt to increase milk production; these hormones have adverse effect on the human immune system as they can increase in the levels
of the cancer-causing hormones in the body. These growth hormones also increase the risk of mastitis or udder infection in the cow that leads to the use of
antibiotics on the animal, and that's an added dose of chemicals in the milk you consume.
There's a dire need to increase awareness among people about the source of the milk they drink and how they are indirectly imposing themselves to more risk
with every passing day.Whereas the milk of the native cow on the other hand offers a host of goodness in the form of nutrients, for instance it has over 25
types of minerals and vitamins that are essential for a person's overall development.
At Klimom, we change this process for good and ensure that you get fresh, healthy,and warm farm milk delivered at your doorstep, and not one that's compromised
on quality for money. Every glass of Klimom milk is as pure as your love.This is because the Gir cows at Klimom farm are allowed to roam around the farm, graze,
and soak in the sunlight, while they feast on organic and healthy fodder, rather than being tied to a corner in the shed and fed cheap and genetically modified
fodder alternatives. And all this while we make sure that the calf gets her share of milk and is well-fed before the cows are milked for sale.