I was born on 13-08-1998.I have Faith,Patience & trust in me
although I am physically challenged.This enabled me to
recieve a lot of honoriums during my lifetime.On account of
my sincerity and devotion I could become a cine actor, singer,
television host and moreover a Mythological speaker.I have
completed Covid-19 integrating gender based violence risk
mitigation by unicef.I worked to prevent infection by regularly
washing hands avoiding contact with sick people and
keeping vaccination upto date.I worked for highest standard
of honesty and integrity and to follow pobity and rule of raw
in all walks of life.for all these I have been declared as Who
super hero who joins the fight against antibiotic resistance.I have came out as successful exllent candidate from training
on CCRT(Centre
for Cultural Resources and Training) Newdelhi.I have received
Odisha State
Govt Award-2019,Natyashree Award, Sangeetshree
Award,Star Pariwar Award-
2022,India Book of Records, Asia Book of Records-2023 and
was appreciated
by World Book of Records.
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