Dr. Komalpreet Kaur is a Psychotherapist. Hypnotherapist, Past life Therapist, NLP Coach, Reiki Grandmaster and Mind Designer is a Chairperson of the Institute of Psychometric Assessment & Counselling. She is vibrant and enthusiastic with a professional attitude and has a strong commitment to excellence. She is a young and dynamic lady with over 17 years of experience in conducting Psychometric Assessment, Counselling and Intervention Programmes and an expert in conducting training, seminars & workshops for Schools, Institutes and Corporates. Being qualified and experienced in understanding the patterns in the subconscious mind she is a catalyst for positive changes in individuals. She is helping people in redesigning their minds because she believes that Mind Designing aims at Life Designing. Dr. Komalpreet has an innate ability to relate to people and their thoughts. Her warmth and invincible energy motivate people to find solutions. She believes that real-life experiences contribute to reaching our goals. She inspires people to accept challenges as opportunities and work with a belief in the best and come out as winners. She is also the recipient of various awards like the Indian Health Excellence Award 2019 by Honourable Shri Ashwini Kumar Chaubey (Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India) organised by Brandswin, Ambassador for Peace Award (Universal Peace Federation), International Reiki Ratan Award, (USA Chapter of Reiki Healing Foundation) to name a few. Her contribution is spectacular in the field of Emotional Health. Dr KomalPreet Kaur is the author of the book “Good Touch and Bad Touch” (Activity Book for Kids). She has also created a few products like Emotional Health Mastery, Inner Mind Designing for Prosperity, Divine Memory Miracles, etc. which are available on the website www.myminddesigner.com.
Work Profile
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Business Details
IPAC is a professionally managed Psychometric Assessment, Counselling and Training Institute which is working tirelessly in mind designing by providing dynamic, vibrant and quality based humble services. Our especially designed mind programs are aimed at preparing individuals with necessary skills, knowledge and attitude that will facilitate them to take on the challenges offered by the changing technologies and to live happy and blissful life.
We believe that: “The way you design your clothes with right fabric and color combination so that it enhances your outer appearance. You design your home so that it improves the aesthetic appeal and makes it more livable and pleasant. Likewise, it’s very important to design your mind by putting the right combination in it so that it improves your thinking pattern and enhances your ability to deal with today’s stressful lifestyle.”
Our team comprises of exceptionally skilled, highly motivated and committed professionals who facilitate in mind designing for seamless transformation of our clients and help them to grow freely so that their innate goodness will shine forth.
To become the life force of our clients by designing their minds and help them to identify their inner potential and empower them to optimize performance and productivity.
To build a diverse and energetic community by designing minds with the right combinations.
Office Address: Institute of Psychometric Assessment & Counselling
J 7/80 D Nehru Market, Rajouri Garden, Delhi-110027, INDIA
Instagram: myminddesigner_
Facebook: @ipacservices
You Tube: IPAC Dr KomalPreet Kaur
Linkedn: Dr Komalpreet Kaur
-Recipient of various awards like the Indian Health Excellence Award 2019 by Honourable Shri Ashwini Kumar Chaubey (Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India) organised by Brandswin
- First Person in India to take Reiki to the Doctorate Level
- Received International Reiki Ratan Award by USA Chapter of Reiki Healing Foundation.
- Received Ambassador for Peace Award by Universal Peace Federation
- Received Appreciation Award by Satguru Uday Singh Ji on the occasion of 200th Prakash Shatabdi Samaroh of Shri Satguru Ram Singh Ji.
- Received "I am Super Woman Award" by Cloud Nine Hospital
- Received Various others appreciation awards
- Author of the book “Good Touch and Bad Touch” (Activity Book for Kids).
- Also created a few products like Emotional Health Mastery, Inner Mind Designing for Prosperity, Divine Memory Miracles, etc. which are available on the website www.myminddesigner.com.
The best award for me is when the client & the students extend the gratitude for my contribution.