Name: Dr. Shaloo Chopra
Name of Business: Sri Krishna Educational Society
Years of operation: 14 Years
My primary learnings from the Bootcamp are:
....that there’s no shortcut to learning at any stage. One can learn from others’ experience across continents too. I learned that there’s immense value hidden in the field of women empowerment and in case the efforts are synergised, a lot can be achieved towards that goal.
Contacts I made in Queensland/Australia that could be helpful to me are:
I have made contacts with two successful women entrepreneurs from Cairns, Yolonde and Sue.
The follow-up actions I have taken/intend to take since the Bootcamp as a result of the learnings and knowledge gained, are:
I have collaborated with two women entrepreneurs from Cairns Yolonde and Sue through emails and linkedin and are now in the process of launching a unique project, “WILD YOU”. This field of work is a direct offset from the teachings at the Bootcamp, which was aimed at developing synergies of effort from women coming from diverse backgrounds, ethnicity etc.
Further contacts in Queensland/Australia that I would like to make:
At the outset, I would like to develop my existing leads/ contacts i.e “Wild You”
Thereafter, I would like to delve into any similar projects aimed at uplifting the weaker strata of society, such as SISTER PROJECT in Griffith University.
Development opportunities in India and Australia/ Queensland that I am interested in are:
The subject area, i.e. Women empowerment has huge potential in India. There is a large segment of women from the weaker strata that needs to be amalgamated into the mainstream.
Other comments:
Learning and gaining through peer experiences knows no barriers and cultural diversity, this message has to spread far and wide.
Also, in case of any financial grants from Trade and Investment Queensland, it would highly appreciated.