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1 Women Empowerment program. 7) Currently working on Innovation By Young Minds Program for participation of 10,000 Students from Maharashtra. Covid 19 Achievements Mission HMMM ( Home Mask Making Mission) In March 2020 Mission HMMM is launched . In this mission small training program of stitching masks at home is made. And appeal made to women's to stitch masks at home for family and 10 extra mask to donate to neighbored. Totally 150 women's participated and more than 30,000 masks distributed to needy people free of costs Mission Karuna- In April people where seating home without income source. Lot of poor people where struggling for food. So mission Karuna was launched in entire Maharashtra. Announcements made to all social activists to help need people with food. 250 plus organization's and individuals came together under foundation banner. 3,50,000 plus needy people got free food, grocery. Mission Devdoot - As Covid started spreading fast and doctors, health workers, cleaning people, police, reporters started affecting by covid-19 , to motivate these people Mission Devdoot Launched. Sent Thank You Letters followed by personal call . 250plus Doctors, Police, Health workers , cleaning workers , Press Reporters were motivated in this mission Active Participation 1) Livable Planer earth Working Together For Peaceful World Guided by His Holiness Dalai Lama(Webinar) 2) World Water Day 2021- Valuing Water by United Nations , Women For Water Partnership UNICEF (Webinar) 3) Birthday Of Bharatratna Dr APJ Abdul Kalam at Kalam Memoriam in Oct 2018. 4) Birthday Of Bharatratna Dr APJ Abdul Kalam at Rashtrapati Bhavan Delhi in Oct 2019 . 5) 4 th Remembrance Day Of Kalam Sir at Rameshwarm 6) Launching of 100 Femto Satellite from Rameshwarm in Feb2021 under Mission “Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Space Research Payload Cubes Challenge 2021 “ with 100 + Students & Parents . Awards Delhi , Gujarat Few prestigious mentioned below 1) International Women’s Day Achievers Award 2021 2) International Women Pride Award 2021 3) Samaj Ratna Puraskar 2020 ( Green Foundation ) 4) AAdarsh Samajratna 2020 5) Mahila Gaurav Puraskar2020 6)Saksham Mahila Puraskar 2020 7) Ranragini National Award 2019-2020 8) Nasik Hirkni Award 2019

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Online Auditions and Grooming Sessions

3 Talent Rounds to Qualify for City Winners

Finale in August

Grand Finale in December