Hello and welcome! I am an empathetic and intuitive tarot reader with over 13 years of experience in Tarot, Switchwords and Numerology. I put my god gift at service as it is my mission to help seekers get clarity and guidance that empowers them to make conscious and positive choices in life. When consulting me you can expect an honest reading, transmitted in line with the Tarot Ethical Code. I read the lives and minds of different people and see things from several points of view, which increases the odds of seeing things accurately, till date I have successfully advice and guided 1500 plus domestic seekers and 600 plus International seekers. I maintain seekers privacy policy as reader and so not reveal any personal information outside to gain publicly or fame. Through Tarot cards I can provide an in-depth spiritual outlook on any subject related to: Love readings, Career reading, Financial reading, Relationship, Family issues, Money matters, Investment and Life purpose. Thanks Shiveta Kothare 7798290505