LL B, PG Diploma In Corporate Law and Management, Masters in Business Laws
Participation Completed
Lawyer, Author, Legal Consultant
Professional Expertise:
1. Family Law: Matrimonial Litigations, Custody Disputes, Partition Suits
2. Socio Legal Counselling
3. Author of book Rising-In-Love with Your In-Laws: Unlocking Code to extraordinary relationship with your in-laws.Available on Amazon
Educational Qualification:
B.A. Hons in Political Science, Miranda House, University of Delhi
Professional Qualification:
LL.B, Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi
PG Diploma in Corporate Law and Management Indian Law Institute, Delhi
Masters in Business Law, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru
With a rich experience of handling matrimonial litigations and family law cases along with a knack of counselling people to root cause of their disputes, her services have been instrumental in saving many marriages, handling parenting issues, and enhanced relationship with one’s in-laws. She is credited as the first Indian Author on the subject of Relationship with In-Laws. A purposeful writer on social media, she is a frequent Relationship with In-Laws expert on Quora.Her vision also encompasses settlement of disputes through Alternate Dispute RedressalStrategies, so that the abysmal state of long pendency of cases can be minimised. She’s also a strong advocate of strategising win-win possibilities. Relationships and theirinter related effects are highly complex issues and go beyond the domain of law. The myriad issues that people experience shapes their limited responses. Interestingly,law limits itself to addressing only the limited responses. Role of lawyers as someone who can guide and counsel clients to resolve issues by exploring multiple possibilities, adjudication being one ofthem. A major part of her service includes empowering clients through an indepth analysis so that they can choose possibilities that lead to their progression. She also specialises in individuals unburdening themselves from the pressure that comes from being exposed to litigation and look at it from the context of serving their children, parents, spouse, organisation and society.
Professional Membership: Delhi High Court Bar Association and District Bar Association, Gurgaon
Work Profile
Work Profile Not Updated
Business Details
HAPROS Law Service
77, Second Floor, SS Omnia Mall, Sector 86, Gurugram