I m Entrepreneur Councellor and Social Activists and I m felicated by Dr.Kiran Bedi ji on International Women's Day.Social Work ExperienceandAwards Achievements:
National In charge - Humanity First Foundation – HFF
State Exe Director of Maharashtra State - WAOHR - World Aid Organisation of Human
The World Peace Organization (Jakarta) National Director of India (Women Empowerment).
National Social Justice and Human Rights Organisations as as National Secretary of Women Cell.
Astha Laxmi honoured got by Late Shindutai Sakpalany more.
*On 14th March 2019 Women Achiever Award on International Womens Day from Akhil
Bharathiya Agnishikha Manch.
*Received Hon Doctorate from United Nations University of Global Peace.
*On 15th March 2016 Women Achiever Award on Women's Day felicitated by Dr. KiranBedi.
*Got appreciation for solving cases accounting more than100 against Domestic Violence and
Women Rightsfrom Humanity First Foundation.
*Also working with Crime Branch as Police Mitra to solve cases against Domestic Violence,
RapeCase's ,Raid Bar & Spa.
*Super Intectual Award from All India Management Council In April 1997.
*Awarded for Played many times hockey matches at cluster & regional levet held in Maharastra
*Taken parts in cultural actives and games at school level(Win prizes & Certificates).
Hobbies / Interests:Sports,Dancing& Listening Music , Cooking, Socializing, Helping the
needy for their RIGHTS
Languages known: Hindi, English, Gujrathi, Marathi,& Punjabi.
Any other information you would like to provide:
If chance given like to lead an Human Rights with PEACE Globally Team for the
betterment of Humans in this World.
Setting up Humanity Projects from scratch and scale it on to a higher level.