Since last decades, environmental issues have been increasing and travelling faster than forest fire, country to region, region to world level territory, which is a serious cause of climate change and global warming. In addition, scarcity of natural resources and air and water pollution badly aflect the human life with different chronic & serious diseases. Prathamesh eco friendly organisation working as a support to green supply chain concept occurs to mitigate environmental degradations and control air, water and waste pollution through the adoption of green practices in business operations.
Prathamesh eco friendly organisation manufactures purely made up natural products and trained women for convert waste into best and useful things. We also trained child as an upcoming generation for environment education with importance of eco friendly products with sustainable socio-eco development. Our definition of green idea is expanding with new innovations and techniques to protect environmental sustainability, which can be recognized by corporate social responsibility, green manufacturing, waste reduction, recycling and remanufacturing sustainable/environmental friendly supply chain, green supply chain, etc.
From an operational perspective ask what has worked well, and what should be the area of focus in the upcoming decade. This has led to some exciting and a critical initiative,the upcoming decade. This has led to some exciting and a critical initiative, like environmental awareness, importance of eco friendly products and consciousness rising about all types of pollutions. We conduct training and training of trainers including youths, women and unorganized labourers. The existing team and the new members of the Prathamesh eco friendly organisation have worked together to assess operational improvements that can strengthen our abilities to scale across all over from rural and urban areas of Mumbai, and other state of Maharashtra as well as an international level. We expect these initiatives to come to fruition in the next few years Prathamesh team have committed to their work with dedication. This has been a fantastic year for us as an Eco friendly community base organization; we have been able to successfully focus on strategic and direct intervention with target group and simultaneously maintaining our impact. During this year, the Prathamesh team has beaten all of their major performance goals, while reducing overheads and at the same time, increasing our sources of sponsorship and kind support from Yash Enterprises.