Applications are Invited for Super Hero 2025, Super Woman 2025, and Business Award 2025 from PAN India, Only 1 Entry in 1 Category from 1 City is Acceptable


Manisha gothi


Social Worker


Finance & admin manager












Awardee Holder

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Happy Hearts Foundation"the joy of the Happy Littel Hearts

We are endeavours to provide saustainable opportunities for marginalised groups from having access to basic necessities of daily lives such as food, clothing, shelter, and education.

The beginning of bringing happiness:

Two treasure boxes of Happiness

Second Bite: Leftover food to not let left anyone hungry

 As we all know that in every household, restaurants, function venues, hostels, hotels etc., plenty of food is being discarded at the end of the day. In 2007, in Chandigarh, we began with giving the last chance to the food which might have found itself in trash, to become a delicious meal for someone who might have slept another night on the street without having meal. For this good cause, we approached people and requested them to make packets of their leftover food and contact our team to collect them, to our surprise we started to receive 300 packets/day form the first day of our campaign.  To our surprise people responded to this noble cause, and in next five years, we were able to reach out more than 1000 people every day who were having the food insecurities.


We launched the same initiative in Patna, Bihar, in April 2013, but this time we included dormitories and function halls as well as houses. We started off well, with approximately 1000 packets every day, and by 2017 we had increased to 3000 packets per day. Then, in 2018, we arrived in Hyderabad, where the contribution increased from 400 to 2000 packages every day. And, with the participation of good citizens, we are continuing to spread happiness among an increasing number of individuals in the society.

Libas center: Give new life to your unwanted clothes


he second effort aimed to eliminate land pollution caused by clothing that was discarded on the street and to give those items a new life. We encouraged individuals to give their unwanted clothes in conjunction with our left-over food drive, and then we sorted the good-condition garments by size, cleaned them, made any necessary alterations, and eventually gave them to those in need. We have been able to provide joy to over 12000 people by giving these discarded clothing a new life

Dipaliya: The light of hope in little’s life

Dipaliya's purpose is to connect vagrant children with mainstream services such as schools and orphanages, and to assist them in reintegrating into society. We began this excellent endeavor in 2014 by organizing different activities such as games, storytelling, to covey the importance of education, and giving clothes to these children. We subsequently engaged them with a painting competition in order to analyze their circumstances and give appropriate counselling. Through the painting, we hope to raise awareness among children about the need of conserving water and growing more trees, among other things. We are pleased to have brought light into the lives of over 7000 children as a result of our counselling, and we will continue to do so in the future

Sustainable Happiness with Happy Hearts Foundation

Happy Hearts Foundation has only one mission of providing sustainable solution to address the growing number of orphan kids and other marginalised groups

No more Orphange!!

You read that correctly. Nowadays, we hear that orphaned youngsters are being abused, raped, or even trained to be criminals, which is harmful for the community and requires immediate action.

·         Another alternative to the orphanage might be government hostels, which are open to children from all walks of life. This innovative idea will bind the two ends of society together. Furthermore, this will considerably aid the children's social and psychological development. Furthermore, open access will aid in the mitigation of abuse and other criminal activities that may occur in such a setting, as opposed to an orphanage where children are unable to express themselves and some miscreants of society take advantage of these vulnerabilities to aid their criminal activity.

One more step is to connect these dormitories with the government schools, and open the door of education for these little stars.


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