I am singing since childhood , blessed with a beautiful voice, have been a radio artist, for around 10 yrs, but due to family circumstances stopped singing due to forced divorce, did not sing for 12 long years, then got two major heart attacks at the age of 43 & 46, had angioplasty. But after this much ups & down carried myself up & started singing again at the age of 50. Now its been two years that I have regained my position as an established singer with untiring riyaz despite having a demanding job which does not give me much time for it. Now I m again singing on stage after so much loss, & intend to become a stage performer .. so this story of mine when shared with other women, has been motivating for lots of women around me, whereby I help them regain their confidence back motivate them to ignore their struggles &, focus on their dreams, since dreams can come true without any age bar.. regards to team Super Woman💐💐💐🙏