Sujit Meher is a young fashion designer and entrepreneur based in Bangalore, India, who got graduated from the prestigious National Institute of Fashion Design (NIFT), Bangalore. Despite he coming from the most backward region of the country, where people struggle to make ends meet, Sujit developed the interest to study fashion and got selected to the prestigious NIFT in Bangalore. After successful completion of the course, he started working with the prestigious Bollywood film production house EROS International based in Mumbai. He often associates with NGO's to support varieties of causes and spread the awareness of Indian traditional handlooms, designs and other Indian arts. He is a multi-talented orator, motivational speaker, writer and a storyteller, who penned a bestselling novel in 2015, titled "Dreams beyond Grades" that talks about his own journey from rags to riches and became a role model for everyone. For more details visit: