Founder Of Sris Snehidi Fashion Institute
Msc, Diploma in Fashion Designing
Tamil Nadu
Participation Completed
Sris Snehidi Fashion Institute started on 23rd jan 2015 by me. It is an fashion institute with perfect ambience. It has been registered under MSME.Own Logo was created and the same is under process for trademark. Institute tagline is "Sharpen your creativity to Shape your own identity". We offer various certificate courses on fashion designing and aari embroidery exclusive for women. Also mentor the trainees with key ponts to start their own boutique n establish as an entrepreneur.Thoroughly worked out course material, keeping in mind all age sectors - young minds, senior citizen, women off from learning from long time and women who may have learning disability.
Professional journey highlighting my key milestones
• A designer’s journey - Launched her label at the age of 28, and was immediately off to a great start with a standalone institute to her name. Sris Snehidi Fashion Institute was passionately founded by her in 2015, which empowers women home makers in learning how to design outfits and to put out their creativity into realistic fashionable outfits.
• A Fashion entrepreneur’s journey - Designer turned entrepreneur, when my brand started taking off in 2020 with me signing my 1st set of Fashion designers’ recognition and completion certificates. My profound interest in fashion technology and innate essence in creating a career platform for women has been my quintessential goal. This has led my brand to create 60+ designers to this fashion world till date and steadily progressing.